The protesters of Zuccotti Park fame filed a petition with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to become the lawful owner of the brand “Occupy Wall Street.”
If I think of them I envision youth, clean faces, fight for a better future, ingenuity, creativity. They invented Occupy Wall Street, they need to keep the authentic message going and, why not?, make money from its merchandising. EVEN the kids of Occupy Wall Street understand this simple concept: a NAME is very important.

Occupy San Marzano! There is only one tomato that can be called San Marzano and the Consorzio di Tutela del Pomodoro San Marzano dell’Agro Sarnese-Nocerino is San Marzano’s Patent and Trademark Office in Europe. This is how you see that the tin you have at home or on the shelves of your grocery store or supermarket contains REAL San Marzano Tomatoes. It’s the law of the Consorzio. Would you disagree with their interest in protecting their name? Even a kid would understand it is important.