Pianogrillo Wins A Gold Sofi!


This year’s Fancy Food Show Sofi Awards were special. More special than years past. Why’s that? Well, it’s because of the new and improved selection process.

This year, for the first time ever, the judging criteria was based 70% on taste and 30% on ingredient quality. Ding ding ding. We have a winner! Pianogrillo Salsa Pronta, Sicilian Cherry Tomato Sauce was awarded the gold!

There were 3,200 entries this year! Of those 3k, only 28 foods won gold. Our Pianogrillo Salsa Pronta dominated the competition in the category of Pasta Sauce. Pianogrillo Salsa is made with Sicilian Cherry Tomatoes, which make up 97% of the contents of this sauce. These tomatoes have extraordinary natural sweetness. The ingredients of this sauce are: Sicilian Cherry Tomatoes, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Sea Salt, and Basil. There is no sugar and there are no preservatives in this sauce. It’s a classic sauce for pasta al pomodoro.

Having the criteria set as taste and ingredient quality means that packaging and pricing were left completed out of the jugging. In fact, all judging tastings were blind! As you can see, Pianogrillo aced the ingredient quality criteria! And if you haven’t tasted this sauce, you should, and you will clearly see that its taste is unmatched.

Lorenzo Piccione, maker of Pianogrillo Salsa Pronta, also makes Tomato Estratto, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. He is a wonderful farmer and food maker, dedicated to Sicily and good food. Congratulations dear Lorenzo!

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  1. Carmela Kinslow says:

    Where can i purchase this?

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