Spaghetti Chitarra Senatore Cappelli might break when cooked. Some boxes had this problem, other boxes didn’t. We couldn’t understand why. What was the problem? It is complicated. Carlo Latini, the agronomist and the pasta maker, can talk for hours about it. It has to do with temperature swings during the drying process of the pasta. When you cook the pasta and it breaks (in pieces sometimes only as long as a toothpick), the pasta is still great; but it doesn’t look like you think it should. If your spaghetti broke, call us (718 860 2949) or email us and we’ll either refund your order or send you Spaghetti Chitarra from the new production which is problem free.
Spaghetti alla Chitarra Senatore Cappelli

I am familiar with your Martelli Pasta, that if it broke, I certainly wouldn’t care. That’s how good it is!
I guide food and wine tours in Italy, and a lesson in Martelli Pasta is part of our tour when we stay at Parco Fiorito in Umbria Roberto Russo, who’s new cookbook, Good Ciao, only uses Martelli Pasta (unless he makes it himself.) Martelli rocks, and I wish it was out here on the West Coast in more stores! I am always looking for that bright yelow bag in pasta sections!
Ciao Doumina, all artisanal pastas have, any now and then, some kind of problem. Even Martelli had issues, in the past. This time it is not Martelli, it is Latini pasta that breaks. When are you coming to NY to see us?
Grazie mille,