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Testa Conserve Takes Gold at the SOFI Awards
The word’s out: Testa Conserve makes the best preserved bluefin tuna known to humanity. Their filetti di tonno rosso in extra virgin olive oil took …

The NYTimes loves our Farmers
Pasta al pomodoro is seen as Italy’s “symbol of national identity par excellence.” And yet the dish as first encountered by most Americans [is made …

Pomodori Ripieni alla Romana
Pomodori ripieni alla Romana are the most satisfying baked stuffed tomatoes we’ve ever tasted. These rice-stuffed tomatoes are deceptively simple and bursting with flavor. Plus, …

“What Pinoli are supposed to be”
These are actual Italian pine nuts, and they’re as rare as they are insanely flavorful. Their buttery, sweet nuttiness and fresh, pure piney aroma have …

Flakey Pastry Crust with Maiorca Flour
Filippo Drago Maiorca is a soft wheat with a delicate, fine texture, and a natural sweetness. Our bravissima customer Bridget Murphy took this Sicilian flour …

Farmer Pasquale’s Pasta Recipe
Named after the shoemakers of Campania, Pasta allo Scarpariello (skar-pah-ree-hello) is the creamiest and most flavorful pasta al pomodoro you’ve ever had in your life. …