The Noto almonds are incredible (read why here) and the trees are beautiful. The famous almond trees of Noto, Sicily would disappear if not for the passionate work of the Assenza brothers, who select only the authentic almonds from Noto. Gustiamo imports only these into America. Try them once, and see/taste the difference.
This is a very serious message from Corrado and Carlo Assenza, please read, it is important (picture left is from their garden):
“Dear friend, now is the moment that we of Caffe’ Sicilia are waiting for during the whole year. Nature is awakening and the almonds are blooming! Have you ever seen the almond blossom in Noto?

It’s a performance of our landscape that you should not miss: our sweet valleys are coloured in all shades of white and pink. Unfortunately the almond gardens are vanishing: help us to defend them! Carlo & Corrado Assenza”.
How do you help to defend the almond trees in Noto? You buy the Noto almonds in America, here. Grazie mille!
Do they keep/use bees to pollinate?
are these almonds raw? or roasted?
have they been air dried or cooked at a high heat?
This incredible almonds are not roasted, they are raw and closed in vacuum pack to maintain their unique fragrance.
did you try them? they are really the real thing, they are not even peeled!
Ciao Anna,
Natural pollination, with real bees. Best almonds start to finish.
no i have not tried them … i wanted to ask about them before i spent the money… thanks for your information.
I just recently have purchased almonds from your online store. They are really delicious, but unfortunately this almonds do not sprout. I like my almonds sprouting, it is when after several days in the fridge they start to have green tale, green sprout. As it says that almonds from Noto are not pasteurised they should sprout, but it does not happen. So my question would be: is there a way to get almonds from Noto in they hard shell, so that i could sprout them? Maybe there is possibility to order them. I would even pay a little more for that special order…
Dear Aleksandra, Corraddo Assenza says that, the almond would sprout when put in the ground and with its own shell. This is Corrado’s answer, in Italian:
Cara Beatrice, simpatica domanda questa. Le mandorle , le nostre mandorle, sono asciugate al sole appena smallate subito dopo la raccolta per poter essere conservate. Se vuoi avere un germoglio da una di queste mandorle, devi piantare la mandorla intera col guscio. Ma anche in quel caso, in ambiente domestico e non in terra, non sono certo che la germinazione avviene. Personalmente non ho mai provato a fare germinare una delle nostre mandorle. Comprare una mandorla in guscio è possibile ma non sono così certo che le barriere doganali ai prodotti vegetali “vivi”, come queste mandorle , ne consentirebbero il passaggio. Il timore di importare patogeni e nemici in materiale ” vivente ” è troppo forte.
Beatrice, thank you and Corraddo Assenza for the answer!
I would like to ask when could be available for purchase almonds of 2012 year harvest?
Thank you!
Ciao Diana!
In a few days we’ll receive a new shipment of almond from the latest harvest, 2011. 2012 almonds won’t be picked until mid-August… the ones we are receiving are the freshest ones you can get. Our Caffe’ Sicilia almonds are raw and 100% natural, vacuum packed – need no particular treatment whatsoever to preserve them as their shell is very hard and will keep them fresh for months and months. Almonds at their highest! grazie e a presto