Believe me, Pantelleria Capers are as good as Gabriele Lasagni is charming. Watch the video below and he’ll make you order his capers by the truck load. Gabriele is also a perfectionist. We were in Milano, at the Tutto Food Show, ready to take one of our videos (can we call them videos? they are beyond amateurish… and need improvement!) but he said he was ashamed of his English and wanted to postpone to the following morning because he needed to rehearse in front of his mirror, at home. This is an indication of how much Gabriele cares about what he does! His English is wonderful and you’ll understand perfectly the four main reasons why La Nicchia salted capers are so good: the island’s lava soil give the capers their peculiar taste; the temperature range between hot days and cool nights give the capers their strong fragrance; the tradition of growing and picking capers on the island and last, but not least, the particular caper plant that grows only on Pantelleria, the cultivar spinosa nocellara. Bravissimo Gabriele, perfetto!!!
Ahhhh Pantelleria capers are sublime!
We’re just back from La Bedda Sicilia and brought home with us plenty of i capperi di Pantelleria nel sale!!