Remember Shantanu Starick, The Pixel Trade, the photographer who came to Gustiamo in July and bartered food in exchange for photos? Well, he must be really busy bartering around the world, because only now he posted our “trade” on his very fascinating and super cool blog (click and scroll down)!

How are the photos? Beautiful!!! Almost too beautiful. Well, he was inspired by Gustiamo, Italy’s Best Foods, life in the warehouse and in the Bronx. Look at them. Tell us which ones you like the best. Also, If you want wonderful photos and, if you have fantastic things to photograph, email him, he is coming back to America soon and might have time for you. You only need to think about what you can trade him for.
It’s very interesting to experience Gustiamo/the Bronx through Shantanu’s eyes. Interesting the order in which he posted the photos. Much prominence to the dying graffiti next to Gustiamo, in the Bronx. Then, a photo of a poster we have in the warehouse that we are so used to we don’t even notice it anymore, I just stood up to see where it is. It’s an old poster that says “Eat Art;” and that pretty much says it all. Then, more graffiti mixed with a photo of Gustiamo’s wall. It all means: Gustiamo/food/art/real/disappearing art. Nice.
Cool pix. Love the idea…
Thoroughly enjoyed the interview with you and the gorgeous photos! Tried to bring up the recipe your friend
from Stromboli made with the eggs, but was unable to get it. Do you think you could post it on your site for
those of us who probably won’t get to Stromboli this year. I’d love to try that recipe. Thanks.
Hi Marianne! Thanks for your comment. So glad you enjoyed. The egg recipe, Uova Niepitiddata, is a quick video recipe. Try the link here, it works for me: http://instagram.com/p/edB_Pbx_J5/ Does it work for you? The key is to start with a good olive oil!
No, I click on the isnstagram site and I get a picture on the left, with several options, i.e. recipe, etc. on the
right, but cannot “click” on any of those options to get any kind of video. I’m not on facebook or twitter or
any of those so maybe that’s my problem. Will have to stay a problem, as I’m not willing to open up my
personal data for those sites.
Ok Marianne! Here it is on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Le3w2wzNcQ Does that work? Let me know, grazie.
That did it! Thanks so much and yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm I’ll be making this. Looks too good.