Gambero Rosso: “Antichi Uliveti Best Olive Oil in Sardegna”

Sardegna draws the attention of experts, producing extra virgin olive oil of better and better quality each year.

When Gambero Rosso turned the spotlight on Sardegna, their eye immediately fell on the best extra virgin olive oil on the whole island: Fratelli Pinna’s Antichi Uliveti. Yep, they awarded our fave Sardo oil with the coveted “Tre Foglie” in their 2024 olive oil guide. That’s the best score you can get!

Notes of artichoke, lettuce, endive, green apple. Persistent green flavor with balanced fruitiness.

The Gusti team had exactly the same flavor notes, after our blind taste test last winter!

Best Sardinian Oil is made with Bosana Olives

Gambero Rosso Best Sardegna Olive Oil Antichi Uliveti Pinna

Over the past decade, Sardegna invested in the promotion and nurturing of local olive varieties. […] Among the different local olive cultivars of Sardegna, the Bosana olive is extra virgin queen.

That’s old news to the Pinnas. They’ve made their Antichi Uliveti extra virgin olive oil from 100% Bosana for generations. They’re the Bosana experts! The Pinna family has grown Bosana olives over the last 100 years. They know exactly when the olives reach peak ripeness and have an innate understanding of how to coax maximum flavor out of the reigning Queen of Sardinian olive varietals.

antichi uliveti olio pinna bosana olive grove Sardinia

Ancient Olives, Modern Techniques

“Antichi uliveti” means “ancient olive groves”, and that’s just what this oil is made from: the beautiful centenarian olive trees on the Pinna farm. They’ve towered over northern Sardegna for hundreds of years, thanks to the care of the Pinnas. In fact, their commitment to sustainable agriculture gained them a Slow Food Presidium nomination, for this very same EVOO.

2023 was a big year for the Pinnas. They installed a brand-new Frantoio with the state-of-the-art technology. Right after the harvest, Gavino Pinna, who’s in charge of the milling process, confessed to us:“This new mill makes miracles! Our oil has never tasted this good.” It looks like Gambero Rosso agrees!

A Challenging Olive Harvest

Last fall, we witnessed a surreal harvest, haunted by drought. Olives reached unbelievably high prices. Thankfully, enlightened producers chose to prioritize quality both in the groves and in the mill. Hence, they were able to defend the typical aromas of local olives, our precious Italian treasure.

Times are tough for olive oil producers all over Europe, and Sardegna is no exception. Drought and rising temperatures can mean lower yields and higher costs. Every last drop of oil counts now more than ever! The work of passionate farmers who dedicate their lives to their land, without falling back on shortcuts or compromises, deserves a big standing ovation. Grazie Gambero Rosso for this recognition of the Pinna family’s hard work and congratulazioni Antonella, Gavino, and Leonardo, for this well-deserved honor.

Antichi Uliveti is our go-to oil any time we’re cooking Sardo. We love it for Pasta con la bottarga, or simply drizzled on a sarda salad of fennel, celery, and Mullet Bottarga!
