We know you are curious exactly what we mean when we say our White Dottato Figs from Cilento are packaged in their own leaves. And what exactly is a “fagottino” anyway? We know this word sounds like a slur in English, but in Italian it simply means “little bundle.”
Let Gustiamo‘s Stefano unwrap the mystery of traditional fig preservation for you (watch the video).
But enough about fig leaves… while Melissa Clark was harvesting figs from the giant fig tree on North 11th between Bedford & Berry in Brooklyn this summer, Antonio was hard at work upholding his grandfather’s legacy, harvesting DOP figs in Cilento. So, how was the 2012 Ciletan White Dottato Fig harvest? Antonio tells us that it was “low in quantity, but high in quality and you are VERY fortunate if you get the chance to taste these exceptional figs fresh or dried.”
We hope you all will one day have the chance to meet Dr. Antonio Longo, he is an ardent advocate for Cilentan figs and he is very particular about who he will sell his figs to. Luckily for us, we live up to his standards; check out his comment under our blog post.