Gusti Adventures: Fishing Anchovies in Cetara
As soon as we stepped foot on the Sacro Cuore, one of Cetara’s anchovy fishing boats, we felt the first drops of rain. Watch the …
As soon as we stepped foot on the Sacro Cuore, one of Cetara’s anchovy fishing boats, we felt the first drops of rain. Watch the …
We first met Stacey of Stacey Snacks at a pizza place! Where else? This lady loves good pizza almost as much as we do. The pizza …
Ed Garrubbo featured one of our favorite recipes in his famous Sunday Pasta, Spaghetti con la Colatura! Using our Faella Spaghetti and Nettuno Colatura he makes authentic Spaghetti …
“Good-quality anchovies add a savoriness and a fantastic nuanced depth to dishes that is nearly unmatchable by any other ingredient. I refer to them as …
When you have a job that takes you to the Amalfi Coast at least once per year, you know life is good. We were just …
This issue of Saveur magazine features Peter Jon Lindberg’s latest Italian obsession, Colatura di Alici. Colatura is an Italian fish sauce. The best, most traditional …
Whenever eating or cooking with artisan made products, explanation is required. Even we, the seeming experts, are often schooled by our food producers on how …
Last time we saw Giulio, our Amalfitan Anchovy and Colatura producer, we were slightly annoyed. Beatrice actually yelled at him. Here’s the video. Why? He …
Our friend Elizabeth Minchilli hits the nail on the head when she says “anchovies can make anything good even better. I use them in pasta …
Elizabeth Minchilli is a woman after our own hearts. A tried–and–true anchovy lover. We couldn’t be any more pleased that she has decided to go …
When a dear customer told us there was a bug in the colatura, we couldn’t believe it. A bug? He said, not a problem, I …
Here is a very interesting article about colatura. Actually, it’s a transcript of an interview that Josh McFadden, the chef who runs Ava Genes, a …
We are so grateful to the Los Angeles Times, they got really fishy, this Fall 2013. Gustiamo’s Salted Anchovies and Colatura were featured, as well …
Nancy Silverton, renowned chef and restaurateur, along with food writer Carolynn Carreño break down the anchovy situation in a fantastic LA Times article. We couldn’t be …
We just returned from a wonderful trip to Cetara on the Amalfi Coast! There, we visited our Colatura maker, Raffaella Nettuno, who gave us her special recipe for Spaghetti con …
Gustiamo’s whole salted anchovies are caught seasonally in the fishing village of Cetara, on the Amalfi Coast. The Nettuno family uses only the freshest and …
At Salone del Gusto we didn’t go anywhere without first making a stop in Campania. Actually we felt we were always there. Why? We love Campania …
Less than a month after celebrity chef Lidia Bastianich revealed to the Wall Street Journal that Colatura di Alici was her magic ingredient, another HUGE …