Caffe Leccese: iced coffee with almond milk

Caffe Leccese is a real treat. A summer coffee preparation traditional in Puglia, this drink became very popular in pretty much every Italian coffee shop. It’s a mix between iced coffee and affogato, featuring the luscious addition of homemade almond milk made with Marco Colzani Almond Spread. A sweet, satisfying treat for a hot afternoon!


SERVES: 3 people
TIME: 10 minutes


  1. Scoop out the Raw Almond Spread by Marco Colzani and put it in a glass jar or shaker.
  2. Add water and stir vigorously until all the sweet spread has diluted in the water. Close the lid and shake shake shake for a few minutes. Stir with the spoon, if necessary. Homemade almond milk at its best!
  3. In the meantime, brew your coffee (our favorite methods for this recipe are Moka and espresso, but other brewing techniques work too.)
  4. Add a couple of ice cubes to a glass and pour the almond milk.
  5. Finish with a hot stream of coffee and stir. No sugar needed.