Bronx River Art Center

Watch the video above. Click the arrow. It’s Gail Nathan, the caring, knowledgeable and talented executive director of BRAC, the Bronx River Art Center, a not for profit organization which provides arts and environmental classes to kids and their families in the Bronx. BRAC is located two blocks from Gustiamo and we support each other. Whenever Gail organizes a fund raising we donate gift baskets for her raffles. She comes to help us when we have our famous “warehouse sales”. Gail organizes also art exhibitions and music performances in her space. The afternoon of this video, we went to BRAC to see a concert by an Icelandic Singer/Songwriter MUGISON.

Gail is also a customer of Gustiamo’s. After her recent order of tomatoes and rice, she wrote: “I  made a wonderful dish with your tomatoes, from a NY times recipe. It’s a  southern dish that uses curry too (don’t be mad – I used Shri Lankan curry,  very good), with chicken, green peppers and onions and served over your  Italian rice. Yummy. I meant to bring in some for you but alas I ate the rest  last night. Will cook another batch. Gail”

No mad at all! Keep cooking! And thank you for all your work in the Bronx.
