You Can’t Find a More Local Olive than Bella di Cerignola

Here, Andrea Fratepietro of Fratepietro farm and Beatrice proudly holding jars of green real Bella di Cerignola olives. Don’t think we are in the Caribbean islands: This is Puglia, with palm and olive trees. Do you want to go? Andrea would love to see you, too. Back to the olives. Because they are so delicate, they are picked by experienced and local workers, including Mimi’ and Cosimino, who have been working at the farm 50 years. They are washed and put in big bins with water and salt for three months. The salt they use is the expensive sea salt from Margherita di Savoia salt flats, a natural reserve and a heaven for tropical birds, located thirteen kilometers from the farm. Now, you tell me! How local is this?

Watch the video below, click on arrow. Andrea started to like being interviewed (se part 1 of the video here) and wanted to add something to his previous one. Bravissimo, Andrea!!!
