In the April issue of Wine Spectator, Owen Dugan writes about Acquerello Rice and starts his article with: REPEAT AFTER ME: RISOTTO IS EASIER THAN YOU THINK. REALLY.
Really!!! I am the proof of it. Last night, I didn’t know what to cook and had very little in the house. There were some chopped onions and carrots in the refrigerator and Acquerello and porcini mushrooms in the pantry. I made a REALLY great risotto, even using water instead of broth. This is how you do it: You make soffritto, add the rice, a glass of cognac, then the boiling water…half cooked, you add the porcini (previously soaked) to the rice. No need to stir, either, just add water. It was my improvisation and everybody loved it, at home and in the office at lunch, today.

Until recently, we only carried the 1 kilo and 1/2 kilo tin of Acquerello. Too big for you? Perhaps too expensive and you don’t want to make the investment? If you are cooking for 4 or less people, the newborn 1/4 kilo tin is perfect for you! At $5 per tin, you must try it and let your creativity run free. What do you have to lose? If you need tips/suggestions on how to cook vero italian risotto, give us a call at 718 860 2949.
please provide me with the recipe for risotto ai funghi porcini the one I have does not show the ingredients clearly. thanks
Hi Leatrice,
here is the recipe:
1) Soak dried porcini in a bowl of warm water for about 30 minutes
2) Sautee chopped onion in a few tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. (Add a ladle of water and let evaporate for about 20 minutes, the onion will cook and its flavor will be milder)
3) Drain the porcini mushrooms and mix with the onion “soffritto”. Keep the liquid.
4) Add rice, “toast” it on high heat, mixing it constantly with a wooden spoon. As you mix the rice, turn it around the edges of the pot. The “toasting” of the rice is critical. The heat will seal the grains so that they will absorb the stock more slowly and will remain compact
5) Add half a glass of wine and let evaporate completely
6) Add the liquid from soaking the porcini mushrooms and hot meat or vegetable stock a ladle at the time, liquid barely to cover the rice until rice is cooked al dente. Cooked risotto should have a creamy consistency — the technical Italian term is “all’onda” — the rice needs to be removed from the stove while is still brothy as it will keep absorbing the liquids for a while and will keep cooking
7) To give the risotto a velvety look, once your turned off the heat, you can add a little butter and grated parmigiano reggiano. This operation is called “MANTECATURA”. Cover and let rest for a couple of minutes. Mix well one more time and serve