A Genovese Stocking Stuffer: Pesto

Before you start guffawing about the un-seasonality of pesto in December, hear us out. The purpose of having a basil plant in your window box, is to make pesto in July. The purpose of Roberto Panizza is to spread the flavors of true Genovese pesto all over the world during the holidays, kind of like Santa does for toys and joy.

Although Roberto Panizza is a generally jolly guy, he is more of a King archetype than a Santa. In fact, he is the reigning King of Pesto!

Like any King he has strong opinions. He is very opinionated about what goes into his pesto and what does not.

Roberto Panizza
Roberto Panizza

His pesto contains 7 ingredients all produced in Italy: DOP Basil from Genova, EV Olive Oil, Slow Food Presidium Garlic, Sea Salt and the 3 Ps (Parmigiano, Pecorino Sardo, and Pine Nuts).

What doesn’t it contain? Let our friend and #1 Pesto Genovese Rossi fan, Gareth Jones, list the “muck” that he finds in commercially labeled “pesto.”

We had the pleasure of watching King Panizza make pesto with his glorious giant mortar last month. As you watch the video, you realize that pesto making is not for amateurs. And maybe, while watching him you will start to question if the basil puree you make in our food processor every summer is really pesto at all…

For Christmas, Gustiamo has imported a very limited supply of Pesto Rossi into the USA, ready to ship to your door. We firmly believe that this it the only way one could and should incorporate pesto into winter-time feasting and gifting.

Join the Conversation

  1. Pesto makes your lasagna even more special and delicate. This is an excellent vegetarian dish
    Lasagne al pesto – Passion and Cooking

  2. Pesto + Lasagna is a very special combo! Thanks Paola! And when fresh basil is nowhere to be found, there is Pesto Genovese Rossi, a shortcut but not a quality-cut.

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