Raw Wildflower Bee Pollen

Not often have we nailed the launch of a new product with such perfect timing: before the autumn blues gets a chance to hit you, meet your delicious and most powerful new ally. The astonishing Sardinian raw, wildflower bee pollen by Luigi Manias just landed!

Bee pollen has been used since olden times as what we nowadays call a superfood. An actual nutritional bomb with outstanding health benefits. But hear us out: there is bee pollen and bee pollen out there.

Luigi’s pollen comes from the untamed hills of Monte Arci Natural Park and doesn’t contain any trace of pesticides, herbicides, or metal residues. Furthermore, it has up to 20% more carotenoids and flavonoids than other pollen types. We did our homework: there is not quite another bee pollen providing this kind of nutritional and anti-inflammatory boost.

Was bee pollen created solely for breakfast bowls? OH NO! The gastronomic uses of Luigi’s polline millefiori go way beyond its instagrammable aesthetics and impressive nutritional profile.

Try it with mozzarella, ricotta, gelato, or even a bolder cheese. Its unique floral-and-tangy flavor profile with distinct notes of honey and hay will enrich meat or fish tartare, crisp green salad, or even a bowlful of creamy risotto, always as the finishing touch.

ATTENZIONE! Luigi advises against heating the pollen, as this damages its nutritional and flavor compounds and lends a less potent result. We went deeper on how to use bee pollen on the Gusti blog. One more thing to keep in mind: bee pollen is incredibly rich. Let your body grow accustomed to it before binging.
